
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Write, debug, and refactor code faster with this AI pair programmer

    Even if you’re an experienced coder, writing error-free code gets stressful fast. (“I might as well rename my variables ‘hopeThisWorks’ and ‘pleaseDontBreak.’”)

    You simply don’t have the time to search through complex codebases and then refactor, debug, document, and write test cases for every line of code all by yourself.

    Wish there was a tool that could help you whip up bug-free code and give you personalized AI responses to all your queries related to your code in record time?

    Make way for CodeMate AI.


    too long didn't read
    Search, navigate, and chat across codebases, web URLs, and GitHub repositories with AI
    Refactor, create documentation, generate test cases, and debug your code with natural language


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    Allows Existing Accounts


    CodeMate AI is a precise, personalized, and private AI pair programmer that lets you write clean, functioning code in natural language.

    Search and chat with your codebase

    Say goodbye to Google searches and long Stack Overflow answers! CodeMate AI lets you find what you’re looking for and get answers to questions by simply asking the AI.

    • Build a knowledge base by connecting your current codebase, web URLs, and GitHub repositories to refer to later
    • Chat directly with your knowledge base like you’re talking to ChatGPT with real-time web search
    • Generate code in all programming languages with one click

    Knowledge base

    With CodeMate AI, you get an AI expert for your entire codebase, web URLs, and GitHub repositories.

    Generate detailed review reports

    CodeMate AI analyzes your codebase using machine learning algorithms and LLMs to generate industry-standard review reports.

    • Get a high-level overview of each file in your codebase
    • Identify potential security vulnerabilities arising across your codebase
    • Evaluate your code on best industry practices and coding standards

    Code review

    Generate review reports on security vulnerabilities in line with industry-wide programming standards.

    Write and modify code with inline commands

    You’ll be able to improve your code in record time by simply explaining what you want changed in natural language within your editor.

    • Generate docstrings/inline comments and refactor code in seconds
    • Debug and review your entire code to ship bug-free code fast
    • Simply mention your query in the comments and get the generated code in seconds

    Inline editor

    Make changes to your code by typing simple instructions inside your editor.

    Streamline your testing process

    Even better, CodeMate AI can analyze your codebase and generate comprehensive test cases in seconds.

    • Receive high-level documentation of your codebase to review and confirm the AI understands your code
    • Get high-quality unit and functional test cases that fit your customized requirements

    Test cases

    Generate high-quality test cases with the click of a button.

    CodeMate AI lets you search through your entire knowledge base, write and modify code in simple English, and generate test cases—all without breaking a sweat.

    Churn out error-free code.

    Get lifetime access to CodeMate AI today!

    From the founders

    An update from CodeMate

    These are the major differences from our older deal:

    1) Knowledge base reference- Now you can add both public/private Github repositories, documentations(Web URLs) or multiple codebases and would be able to search and chat across your KB through CodeMate Chat functionality

    2) Teams functionality is now added to AppSumo users for collaborative knowledge base sharing

    3) Much faster response speeds and accuracy

    4) Now entire knowledge base gets stored locally inside your system so your codebase never leaves your environment

    5) Our Command Line integration allows you to use CodeMate in any IDE or over terminal directly

    6) Now you can generate comprehensive code review reports for security vulnerabilities and code evaluation as per industry standards across entire directory as compared to single file code reviews earlier

    7) Generating Unit and functional test cases have become lot more easier and accurate with our latest updates

    We have some more updates coming up within a month like Database integration and CodeMate Assistants which is an AI Agent capable of performing development tasks on behalf of you.

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