Writeseed - AI Content Writer
The most complete AI writer on the market with 70+ templates, a Chrome extension & unlimited usage
Generate high-quality and SEO-optimized articles of 2,000+ words, or choose from one of the more than 70 templates.
These include product descriptions, Facebook ads, website copy, cold emails, and so much more.
Introducing: Writeseed - AI Content Writer.
All of our templates come with 8 different tones, ranging from friendly over empathetic to professional, to create engaging content with the right emotional context.
Writeseed also comes with detailed SEO metrics for optimizing content like keyword density, reading score, and the option to show hundreds of related keywords, including the search volume on Google and the CPC.
Additionally, you get free stock photos for all your long-form blog articles that are relevant to your content.
The "Pro-Writer" mode is a special feature which is a real game-changer for a lot of our users, as it supports your normal manual writing with the power of AI.
You can give direct commands or have the AI write the next paragraph for you.
It also includes a free Chrome extension, which you can use to let AI write in any text input field on any website by adding a "++" to a command or text.
For example, it can write emails for you in Gmail or Hotmail, or a blog post in the WordPress editor.
Get access to Writeseed today!
With our semantic NLP editor, you can modify your existing content to boost your SEO and create high-ranking content.
All metrics update in real-time as you type, and depending on your tier, you can use it without any monthly limit.
Plans & features
Deal terms & conditions
- Lifetime access to Writeseed - AI Content Writer
- You must redeem your code(s) within 60 days of purchase
- All future Premium Plan updates
- Stack up to 2 codes
60 day money-back guarantee. Try it out for 2 months to make sure it's right for you!